
V-One Plus by X-Max


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V-One Plus by X Max is a vaporizer designed for oils and other kinds of extractions. It has a ceramic bowl, ensuring maximum life-span and versatility. 

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V-One Plus by X Max is a portable vaporizer with which you’ll be able to vaporize all sorts of extracts in an extremely simple manner thanks to its ceramic bowl that can hold any kind of extraction.

To turn it on you just have to press the middle button five times in a row; once on, the light behind the button will turn on. Next all you have to do is introduce your extraction or oil into the container; press the button to heat the material up and take a nice drag. As long as the vaporizer is on, the light will turn on every time you press the button to take a drag. To turn it off, simply press the button five more times; once the light flashes three times, your vaporizer will have turned off.

The best thing about this vaporizer is its ceramic bowl, which guarantees a longer-lasting device than many other vaporizers, as well as being much easier to clean. Vaporizers that use metal tend to break when being cleaned due to how you generally have to clean the spring, which can cause the entire thing to break. This bowl heats up perfectly, making the absolute most out of your extracts; metal bowls don’t heat up equally. These bowls are specially indicated for BHO extracts (wax and shatter).

Near the bottom of the device you’ll see an unscrewable part which allows you to access the battery. There’s also a small 1cm hole there, which you can use to hide small amounts of whatever you’d like and if you’re stopped by the police it will just look like another electronic cigarette.

On the back you’ll notice a micro-USB connection from where you can charge your device with the charger that comes included with the vaporizer.

It also comes with a dabber which is used to place all kinds of extracts into your device such as oils, BHO, and other kinds of extracts to make sure no foreign elements get into your vaporizer, guaranteeing a clean vape.

V-One Plus by X Max Includes:

  • V-One Vaporizer
  • Charger
  • Dabber

Product details

Category BHO - extractions Reference X Max EAN13 06080198 UPC 26

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