
Max-Min digital thermohygrometer


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In indoor crops, a thermohygrometer is essential to know the values of the main parameters and determine how close to the plants we can approach the lamps.

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The thermohygrometer will let us know the temperature in our grow room and even determine the height at which we should set the lamps.

An indoors setting with no thermohygrometer is at a loss. In order for this to go right we must be able to know the temperature since we won't be able to notice a drop (or raise) of a couple of degrees in temperature and, nonetheless, this can be fatal for the plants.

Put the thermohygrometer underneath the lamps and hold it with a rope. Set it at the height of the highest tip of the plant (the closest to the lamp) and raise the lamp until the thermohygrometer reads 25-27°C. There is no set distance so forget about all those stories about setting your plants 50-60cm away from the tips of the plants.

It also records minimum and maximum values of temperature so that you can know which limits have been reached. It includes features as an alarm clock which are hardly ever used.

It includes a battery so you can use it from the first day.

Product details

Category Soil and ambient air Reference Termohigrómetro EAN13 07055029 UPC 24

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