
Anti-mite Spiderplant


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Spiderplant by Agrobacterias is a 100% ecological spider-mite killer, perfect for both getting rid of spider mites and preventing them for even appearing in the first place. Spiderplant is rich in amino-acids for foliar stimulation.

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With this natural insecticide you can protect your cannabis plants from pesky mite infestations. It stimulates your plants metabolism during the growth period, allowing them to recover quickly after an infestation. It can also be used as a preventive measure in order to keep possible invaders away.

With Spiderplant you no longer have to worry about losing entire plants to these pesky insects. When used regularly you’ll see the amount of insects surrounding your plants go down drastically, and if your plants have already been attacked you should notice them getting much healthier.

It strengthens your plants against future attacks too – weaker plants are more susceptible to insect infestations.

We recommend using it during the growth period as a preventive measure so that you don’t have to spray your plants again when they’re flowering. If you have an advanced infestation these spiders can even spin webs on your plants and around your buds which can complicate the situation.

Dosage and how to use:

  • Watery solution, spray application.
  • Dissolve 2-4ml per liter of water.
  • Spray both sides of the leaves.
  • Repeat every 7-10 days.
  • Use it during your plants growth period as a preventive measure.
  • Make sure to spray with the lights off or after the sun has gone down or else the droplets of water and the suns reflection could cause your plants to burn.


  • 6% free amino acids.
  • Aminograma: Alanine 0.21%
  • Arginine: 0.18%
  • Leucine: 0.21%
  • Aspartic acid: 0.25%
  • Glycine: 2.06%
  • Histidine: 0.11%
  • Phenylalanine: 0.08%

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Category Additional insecticides or fungicides Reference UPC 37

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