Standardized Power Strip Nº10
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This standardized power strip is the one of the most cost-efficient options if you’re looking to connect various electrical devices.
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The standardized power strip Nº10 is made out of top quality materials.
The material’s it’s made out of were meticulously selected and checked by the pertinent institutes and associations, making sure that it’s safe to use.
It’s made out of second grade polypropylene, make it extremely efficient and secure when it comes to short circuits and accidental breakage.
The terminal and screws included are made out of zinced steel, in compliance with the RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive). The pressure system on the screws makes sure that they’re impossible to lose, as they can never fully come out of the strip.
It has 12 poles that work together to give a balanced power supply without any increasing tension or other issues that can mess with your electric devices.
If you plan on working with this power strip, here at tucultivo we recommend using protective gloves or keeping the electric devices off when connecting them.
Certified by VDE in accordance with EN 60998:200.
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