
Ancient Earth Organic


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Ancient Earth Organic helps your cannabis plants to fully absorb nutrients from their substrate thanks to humic acids. It can be used in soil, coco coir and hydroponics.

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Ancient Earth by Advanced Nutrients is a product used with marihuana plants that starts off improving your plants’ root health, consequently making for healthier and stronger plants.

This organic product can be used in soil, coco coir and even hydroponic grows. Use it weekly right off the bat, stopping only to flush the roots at the end of the grow. Many of its ingredients are sources of leonardite and potassium sulfate which create humic acids for your plants, increasing the amount of nutrients they can absorb through the roots.

Lab analysis has found that this product contains just 1% potassium, which is still quite hefty and can easily influence the final product, increasing yield. This product also ensures a stable pH level in your substrate with fewer fluctuations than when you use organic products such as Iguana Grow & Bloom by Advanced Nutrients.

Your plants will achieve a higher absorption rate, capable of making the most of micro-elements in the soil, as well as increased growing speeds and decreased levels of excess salt in your plants’ substrate.

Your plants will grow larger, thicker flowers – an added benefit is that this product also increases the capacity of the plants cells to communicate with one another and carry out certain processes more efficiently.

It’s used just once a week, with either water or the rest of your nutrient feed using just 2ml per 1L of water during the growth and flowering periods.

Chemical composition of Ancient Earth Organic:

  • Potassium soluble 1%
  • Humic Acid 0.5%

Ingredients of Ancient Earth Organic:

  • Multiple sources of Leonardite
  • Potassium sulfate

Product details

Category Advanced Nutrients Reference Advanced Nutrients UPC 17

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