


About this product

Category Aptus Holland

N-Boost by Aptus Holland is a potent stimulant that is used to help your plants out in both vegetative and flowering periods; it’s used towards the end of the vegetative period.

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N-Boost by Aptus Holland is designed to be a growth stimulant thanks to its perfect nutritional balance, ideal for that exact phase. This organic-mineral formula offers growers the best possible ingredients so that their crops vegetative period is as strong as possible, improving on how your plants go into the flowering period and making for bigger, more resinous flowers.

It helps out a lot with budding; this product’s active ingredients intervene in the process involving new cell creation. It’s extremely useful for improving your plants photosynthetic process, increasing both vigor and foliage density.

With N-Boost, you’ll stimulate your plants’ protein production, which in the future makes for firm, good-looking buds. Also, its hormone and vegetal vitamins will help out during said flowering period, increasing both flavor and resin yield.

It won’t back up any pipes, so you can use it via drip irrigation without any issues. It’s important to note that you shouldn’t use this product if you’re using Start Booster as both products together could cause an excess in nitrogen.

To get the absolute most out of this product, we recommend using it towards the end of the growth period, just when the first sprouts begin to appear and your plants begin showing their sex if you planted regular seeds. If done this way, you’ll improve your plants glucan content, increasing your plants’ feed absorption rate.


  • NPK: 9-0-0
  • Amino acids and vegetal-originating vitamins.
  • Organic nitrogen.

How to use:

  • Store in a dry, cool area between 10-25ºC
  • Use 0.3-0.5ml per L of water
  • Use as soon as the first pistils and sprouts appear.
  • Do not use with Start Booster.

Product details

Category Aptus Holland Reference Aptus Holland UPC 17

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