
Coco Max A+B


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Category Atami

Coco Max A+B by Atami is a nutrient base that contains all of the necessary nutrients to get your plants growing strong and healthy in coco coir substrates; used during both growth and flowering.

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Coco Max A+B by Atami is a two-part base fertilizer that comes in two parts in order to give the perfect concentration of nutrients. It contains everything your plants need to grow properly in coco coir or slabs.

It’s used during both the growth and flowering period, adjusting the dosage weekly. When combined with the additives required in each period, you can grow truly professional plants.

Coco Max A+B by Atami contains top-quality nutrients. You can check the full Atami feeding chart to see what your plants need in each stage.

You can combine it with Rootfast during the growth period, as well as Atazym and Ata XL during the flowering period in order to increase final yield by quite a lot.

This fertilizer is 100% soluble, meaning that it can safely be used in all sorts of irrigation systems including drip-irrigation.

Dosage and how to use Coco max A+B by Atami:

  • Add 4ml of part A per liter of water and then 4ml of part B per liter of water.
  • If you use other additives and you measure the EC, you might want to start with the additives, then check the EC, and then add the Coco Max in order to get the perfect level for your plants, depending on what stage they’re in.

Chemical composition of ATA Coco Max A + B:

Part A:

N-P-K 5-0-1
Nitrogen (N) 5.32%
Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) 0.18%
Potassium oxide ( K2O) 0.59%
Sodium oxide (Na2O) 0.23%
Calcium oxide (CaO) 7.57%
Magnesium oxide (MgO) 0.91%
Sulfur oxide (SO3) 0.13%
Iron (Fe) 0.22%
Boron (B) 0.002%

Part B:

N-P-K 0-2-3
Nitrogen (N) 0.25%
Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) 4.61%
Potassium oxide ( K2O) 3.53%
Sodium oxide (Na2O) 0.23%
Calcium oxide (CaO) 0.28%
Magnesium oxide (MgO) 2.12%
Sulfur oxide (SO3) 1.34%
Iron (Fe) 0.001%
Boron (B) 0.017%
Manganese (Mn) 0.016%
Copper (Cu) 0.002%
Zinc (Zn) 0.012%
Molybdenum (Mo) 0.002%

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Category Atami Reference Atami UPC 17

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