
Canna Nitrogen


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Category Canna

Nitrogen mononutrient by Canna is the most important chemical element for many functions of our plants, such as the synthesis of proteins, energy transportation and all enzymatic reactions.

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Nitrogen mononutrient by Canna is the chemical element needed for many different functions in our plants, such as the synthesis of proteins, energy transportation and even enzymatic reactions inside the plants.

A plant lacking nitrogen will quickly lose the green color of its leaves, turning light yellow, its stems will turn purple and the leaves will easily fall.

Nitrogen mononutrient by Canna can be added to the irrigation water or by foliar application in order to correct the deficiency. Your plants will recover its healthy green color , and grow again.

It can be used as a growth booster, helping your plants create structures and a high vegetative vigor. It’s advisable to supplement this application with vitamins or beneficial fungi so the soil doesn’t store pathogens while providing the needed microelements to ensure the plant’s defence system also develops at the same pace.

Be warned that an excess of nitrogen can cause problems for our plants, so carefully plan the doses before applying this fertilizer.

Canna Nitrogen’s dosage and usage:

  • As a deficiency corrector, you can add up to 2mL per litre of irrigation water. Check the Ec and then add the base fertilizer required for its growth stage until reaching the correct value
  • As a growth booster, you can add it to the nutrient mix, always keeping the proper Ec levels that your plants need.
  • You can create your own fertilizer by combining it with the other Mononutrients by Canna.

Canna Nitrogen’s composition:

NPK 27-0-0

  • 18% Nitrogen
  • 6% Ammonium
  • 11% Amide Nitrogen
  • 10% Nitrate

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Category Canna Brand Canna Reference Canna UPC 17

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