Raíz (Root)
About this product
Raíz by María Green is a natural product that fosters the development of the secondary roots which our plants need to absorb minerals available in the soil much more efficiently.
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Raíz by María Green is a 100% natural root booster which contains no hormones. It will help secondary roots to develop vigorously so that plants can absorb nutrients much more efficiently. It is used during the first weeks of life of plants, after every transplantation and during the first week of bloom, just when we change the photoperiod from 18/6 to 12/12.
Marijuana plants consume large doses of nutrients to keep healthy and grow fast. This is why if we provide them with a wondrous network of secondary roots, the growth of the parts above ground will rocket.
When we use Raíz by María Green in our plants, roots develop thousands of secondary roots that will absorb water like crazy, ensuring our plants are always well hydrated and fed.
There is no point in using 10 fertilizers or a lot of irrigation water if our roots cannot absorb them and then water simply dries out in the pots instead of being absorbed.
It is very easy to use and provides great results from the first trial.
Dosage and instructions for use:
- Add 2.5ml per L of water in the irrigation of seedlings and rooting cuttings.
- Use 1ml per L of water with growing and blooming plants.
NPK 0,9-0-0
- 0,9% Organic nitrogen.
- 0,5% Copper.
- 0,8% Manganese.
- 0,8 Zinc.
- 3% Free amino-acids.
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