On sale! Reflectors Basic Parabolic CFL Reflector €48.90 Basic Parabolic CFL Reflector is a perfect solution to make the most of the of your CFL bulbs. Add to cart
On sale! Soil and ambient air Benetech light meter €37.40 With this light meter you can measure the potency of the lights in your grow, knowing exactly how well your grow lights are working and when you need to change lights. Add to cart
On sale! Plant lighting BOMBILLA 600W/1000W 240V HPS DUAL SPECTRUM GROW LAMP LUMATEK €44.60 Add to cart
On sale! Plant lighting Bombilla Ignator HPS 600W Bombilla Ignator HPS 600W €16.00 Bombilla Ignator HPS 600W para utilizar en cualquier sistema de cultivo interior, es una bombilla mixta que usaremos tanto en la fase de floración como en crecimiento. Add to cart
On sale! Plant lighting BOMBILLA LED CRECIMIENTO SOLUX €50.70 La Bombilla Led Solux Crecimiento posee un diseño que llama la atención desde el primer momento. Su forma nos recuerda a las bombillas fluorescentes de bajo consumo de 125 y 250w, pero en esta ocasión en vez de estar compuesta por tubos fluorescentes, está compuesta por gran cantidad de pequeños led’s de gran rendimiento. Add to cart
On sale! Plant lighting BOMBILLA LED FLORACIÓN SOLUX €50.70 La bombilla led de Solux para la etapa de floración, tiene el aspecto de las bombillas fluorescentes compactas de bajo consumo que se utilizan para el mantenimiento de madres, la germinación de semillas, la propagación de esquejes y en menor porcentaje, para la obtención de flores. Su estructura es prácticamente igual, pero en este caso está compuesta por... Add to cart
On sale! Last items in stock HID grow lights (High Intensity Discharge Bulbs) Bombilla Vanguard HPS 600W Bombilla Vanguard HPS €17.00 Bombilla Vanguard HPS 600W para cultivo en espacios de interior, utilizando sistemas con potencia regulable o fija a 600W. Add to cart
On sale! Components and accessories Brake Pulleys – 68kg Poleas con freno €8.90 These Neptune Hydroponics pulleys with brake included can carry over 30kg each. They’re the best pulleys for holding heavy lights, filters or ballast shelves. Add to cart
On sale! Components and accessories Ceramic light socket for reflectors €3.00 Ceramic light socket for standard reflectors or for energy-saving light bulbs. Add to cart
On sale! Climate controllers Cli-Mate Mini Controller 4 x 600w €199.00 Control your entire grow with Cli-Mate, a controller that’s in charge of turning your grow lights on and off, as well as adjusting your extraction speed in order to control the temperature. Add to cart
On sale! Complete growing kits Complete growing kit LEC 315w Kit Completo Lec €421.00 The complete LEC 315w growing kit includes everything you need to start growing your own cannabis plants, offering better results than a normal HPS lighting kit. Add to cart
On sale! Components and accessories Control Panel €538.00 We build custom control panels, only on request. You can choose the power output, a timer, and power sockets. Add to cart
On sale! Grow Light kits Cool Tube 150mm Lighting Kit kit cooltube 150 €89.00 This Lighting Kit comes with a Cool Tube reflector to lower the temperature in your grow room, improving the quality of your crop. Add to cart