
Diamond Reflector


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Category Reflectors

Diamond Reflector for indoor crops that helps achieve a homogeneous light distribution for your plants. Ideal to reach the corners of your grow room or for 1x1m spaces.

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The Diamond Reflector distributes the light more evenly. Thanks to its diamond shape, it spreads the light in such a way that all plants receive the same amount, obtaining more homogeneous crops.

Recent studies on 3-dimension photometry have made possible the creation of this reflector that will surely leave you speechless with its results. It maximizes the light utilization and the spectrum will spread more evenly throughout the grow room, so you won’t need several bulbs in order to get quality and quantity.

It is ideal to place in the corners, where other reflectors won’t perform as well. It’s also ideal for square crops and for 1x1m grow tents.

It comes with a 3-metre long Plug & Play cable, so you can connect it to your electronic ballast with a single click.

It measures 60cm x 65cm.

Ideal for covering corners in 1x1m grow areas.

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Category Reflectors Reference EAN13 04069026 UPC 20

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